Mame (Zurich)
Kenya - Kiaguthu PB 250g
Notes: Blackberry, Sage, Marzipan
Region: Nyeri County, Central
Farm: Othaya Farmers cooperative
Altitude: 1650-1790masl
Variety: Peaberry SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11, Batian
Process: Fully Washed
We are very happy with this Kenya this year, a sweet Peaberries tasting like Blackberry and Sage with a sweet Mazipan finish.
Kiaguthu wetmill is part of Othaya Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited, one of a few washing stations or “factories” that form the coop group based in the heartland of Kukuyu territory, Nyeri. The mill processes cherries sourced from 547 farmers. The total farmed area is 132.6 ha with individual trees yielding between 5 and 10kg of cherries per season.
The coffee is wet processed, where the fully ripe cherries are:
• Pulped
• Fermented for 12 - 48 hours (depending on climatic conditions)
• Washed
• Dried slowly over 2 - 3 weeks on raised African beds until the moisture content is reduced to 10-12%.
The coffee is then processed at Othaya dry mill where it is rested in parchment for 3 weeks before being hulled, cleaned and graded by bean size. Finally, the coffee is carefully handpicked before being bagged in GrainPro for export from Mombasa.