Farm: Coffea Diversa
Gonzalo HernandezMicro region:
BiolleyAltitude: 1200-1350masl
Variety: Dilla Algha
Process: Washed
This particular variety comes from a wild Ethiopian Heirloom found close to the southwestern Ethiopian town of Dilla Alghe. The trees are quite tall with wide spacing between the branches and the leaves and leaf tips of the adolescent trees are reddish in colour. Interestingly, the story of the sampling of Dilla Alghe is quite similar to the story of the original Geisha sampling, except 20 years prior: when British researchers were looking for new genetic material to make coffee crops more resilient to leaf rust and disease.
The variety itself is quite diverse and has several 'lines' which are categorized by a number denomination, so even when identified as Dilla Alghe, different samples are usually quite different in cup quality.
Its yield is very poor and the plant is very susceptible to diseases. The crop ripening is very homogeneous.
The first time Manhattan heard about this variety was when Esther saw it in the variety garden from Cenicafe in Colombia in 2018, the photo with the "Dilla" sign in front of it is from there.