"LIMITED" COLOMBIA - Queen (Carbonic Maceration)
Manhattan (Rotterdam)
Colombia - Queen 125g & 250g
‘Queen’, expect all of the fruits.
Farm: El Vergel
Producer: Elias & Shady Bayter
Micro region: Tolima
Altitude: 1460masl
Variety: Geisha
Process: Carbonic Maceration
Coming by way of our good friends at Forest coffee we have an absolute slapper of a Geisha that is more than worthy of our world class category.
The story of the two brothers beginning in coffee is quite unusual. Their farm El Vergel was primarily a vegetable farm prior to entering the coffee world. Around ten years ago Elias expressed interest in segregating a portion of their farm to try and grow coffee. Interestingly enough somehow Elias got his hands on some incredibly unique coffee saplings.
Now world-renowned for their koji application onto both natural and washed processes the two brothers started a new company called Forest coffee which also invests heavily in their surrounding farms. Teaching others to process their coffee with new techniques as well as bring their coffees to the international market.
The "Queen" was a methodology of coffee production actually devised by the Matriarch of the family Marta. It combines techniques that both us and the Bayters have explored over the last two years into a single coffee. The run sheet goes as follows.
72 hours of Carbonic Maceration fermentation submerged with java Lixiviates (the liquid aftermath of coffee fermentation), followed by 24 hours of aerobic fermentation submerged with leuconostoc (lactosbacillus grown 48 hours prior to application). The drying protocol then has several resting points at different humidities 3 days at 25%Hu, 5 days at 18%Hu and, 10 days at 14%Hu. The coffee is then brought down to approximately 10% humidity and then stabilized for 30 days in grain pro bags.
The overall result is spectacular with notes of raspberry, blueberry and red rose. Enjoy lavishly.