For a coffee to do well in a brewers cup competition, it must score highly in quality of Aroma, Flavours, Aftertaste, Acidity, Body and Balance. This blend has been designed to give very high quality attributes on each of these areas.
Several competitors, both at the World level (like Ply Pasarj who placed 5th in the WBrC in 2021), or at national level (like UKBrC winner Sierra Yeo), have used blends based around the 60/40 ratio of natural to washed geishas. 2nd place WBrC 2021 Daiki Hatakeyama also used this ratio, with 2 different origins.
There is so much potential in blending high quality coffees for flavour - and to round out a complete cup with 2 contrasting, and complimentary profiles. In this case, we are taking 2 coffees from Panama. 60% Natural geisha from Janson, and Santamaria Coffee Estates, and 40% Washed Geisha from Janson Family Estates.
The Natural coffees provide sweetness, body, and louder fruit flavours in the cup - they are the backbone of the blend, and are especially obvious when the brew is hot.
The Washed coffees provide a vibrant acidity, and floral notes, along with structure to the blend when the brew is cold.
This type of blend thrives most when brewed with a Mineral Rich water, good quality grinding, and brewed when you have some time to enjoy it.
This blend is designed to be enjoyed, and has the potential to be a Brewers Cup winning coffee - it's in fact designed off of Sierra's UKBrC winning coffee - and is very similar to the blend that she used on stage. (some coffees are slightly different as we didn't have enough of one lot to make the blend exactly).
This is your chance to try a Brewers Cup winning coffee. You're in for a treat :)