KENYA - Kiamugumo (Washed)

KENYA - Kiamugumo (Washed)

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Friedhats (Amsterdam)

Kenya - Kiamugumo 250g

Note: Plum jam, blueberry and lemongrass
Variety: SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11, Batian
Wet Mill: Kiamugumo Factory
Region: Nyangeni, Kirinyaga County
Altitude: 1600masl
Process: Washed

In many ways this is a pretty standard high quality coffee from Kenya. Only the ripest cherries were picked from Batian, SL-34, Ruiru 11 and SL-28 coffee trees. The pulp and skin were washed off by a machine that washes off pulp and skin. Low density beans were removed and the rest was dried on raised African beds to a moisture content of around 11-13% before taken to a central mill for grading and sorting. 

Nothing special… Except that actually it is kind of special, that’s why we call it specialty coffee (:

If you make a cup of coffee in the morning, you use around 20 grams of beans, give or take. That’s one hundred of the ripest coffee cherries picked manually in the blazing heat on a steep hill in a jungle of coffee trees by a picker that has to make sure he only picks the ripest ones and will probably never even taste the end-result of what he’s picking. Then again, he also doesn’t have to worry about the TDS of his water and whether it tastes like blueberries, or more like blackberries. 

When you’re going to brew this coffee, forget about the flavor notes and the composition of your water for a second, and just grind it, making sure to not drop any beans, add some water to it and focus on how much work was put into this coffee and how special it is that you can start your day with a coffee that tastes this good.