COLOMBIA - Eliseo Blanco (Honey)

COLOMBIA - Eliseo Blanco (Honey)

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Friedhats (Amsterdam)

Colombia - Eliseo Blanco 250g

Note: Cacao nibs, Maraschino cherry, Dried tropical fruits
Variety: Castillo
Altitude: 1700masl
Process: Honey
Farm: Mi Delicia
Farmer: Eliseo Blanco
Harvest: 2023

Eliseo Blanco’s Mi Delicia farm is turning up some Delicia coffees. With 5 hectares of coffee trees amongst a 7 hectare landscape, the farm is nestled in the challenging terrain of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains - the highest coastal mountain system in the world. Sitting at 1700 masl, Blanco’s farm isn’t quite at the peaks, but it’s a prime location for cultivating high quality coffee. 

This lot is a honey processed Castillo, which underwent 28 hours of fermentation - lending itself to a rich, fermenty coffee with notes of cacao nibs, maraschino cherry, and dried tropical fruits.